- UK Information
- UK Theatres
- London Shows
London Shows
London has many shows running throughout the year.
You can search or browse by theatre to find out about performances at particular theatres.
If you prefer to search for a show or performance by name you can browse the list alphabetically or by show type.
If you are looking for a particular performance or show you should use the alphabetical list of shows to browse through the shows.
Alternatively if you are looking for a particular type of show; musical, comedy, opera etc. you can use the categorised list to browse through performance or shows of a certain type.
To view the shows at West End theatres, please see the West End shows page.
Alphabetical List of London Shows
To find out about a show click on the first letter of the show name.
Categorised List of London Shows
Click on the type of show to see a list of performances in that category:
- Other
- Dance
- Music (Other/unspecified)
- Musical
- Comedy
- Play/Drama
- Thriller/Mystery
- Cabaret/Variety show
Please note that not all the shows are categorised and many are listed under Other.