UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

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  2. UK Directory
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  4. Counselling & Therapy Services

UK Directory: Services

Counselling & Therapy Services

Dalgleish Therapies
Over 20 years of experience in providing psychotherapy and hypnotherapy

Dolphin Hypnotherapy Practice
Successful Treatment for all Unwanted Habits, Behaviours & Feelings. Clinics held at The Doctors Surgery, Mitchell Road, Poole and at 84 Godmanston Close. Serving the Bournemouth, Poole and Swanage areas. Experts in Counselling, CBT and Hypnosis

Dyslexia and literacy support
Sara Kramer provides individualised suppport programmes for children, students and adults with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or dyscalculia.