UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

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  4. Counselling & Therapy Services

UK Directory: Services

Counselling & Therapy Services

Addictions UK
Home Based Addictions Treatment Service

Alan Crisp Clinical Hypnotherapist
Clinical Hypnotherapy is the most modern form of a very old healing art and modern psychotherapy techniques are added to make this the healing choice for most people who wish to throw of the shackles of stress and anxiety related problems.

Ali Maidment Counselling
I offer confidential counselling, in Romsey, Hampshire, working with people struggling with emotional issues affecting their health & well being.

Andrea Sheehy Counselling Service
Couple,Marital and relationship Counselling in South Leicestershire and North Warwickshire

Anne's Safe Space Counselling
Person centred counselling for individuals and couples. Safe place to explore feelings.