- UK Information
- UK Genealogy
UK Genealogy
We get a large number of e-mails from around the world from users who want to find out about their friends, relatives and ancestors. Unfortunately we cannot answer most of these e-mails as
we don't know said relatives, friends or ancestors. We have compiled a few sites where you can find Genealogy and People Search information on current and previous UK residents.
We have also added a list of useful Genealogy Books
Ancestry offer access to
- The largest collection of UK family history records online
- Most complete Census collection available online (1861-1901)
- Birth, Marriage & Death indexes from 1837 to the present day
- Over 300 million records currently online
- Parish and probate records dating back to the 1500's
So you can see that with an extensive archive of records (from census, civil, ecclesiastical and immigration records) from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Ancestry provides access to the 75% of the UK population who are interested in or actively researching family history (YouGov).
Genes Reunited - It can be difficult to know where to begin when researching your family history. Genes Reunited is a great place to start easily building your family tree, with millions of simple-to-search records. There's an active community on hand to share useful hints on tracing your ancestry with our birth, marriage, death, military, census, parish and overseas records - and it doesn't stop there. You'll also have access to two hundred years of fascinating historical newspapers with the British Newspaper Archive.
Our historical record sets include:
- Census Records 1841-1911
- Birth, marriage & death indexes 1837-2006, and birth, marriage & death records for British subjects overseas 1761-2005
- Military Records dating from 1656 to 2005, including WW1 and WW2 records
- Parish baptisms, marriages and burials dating back to 1538
- Travel and migration records, including Passenger Lists leaving the UK between 1890-1960
There are more sites listed in our Directory of UK Genealogy sites