- UK Information
- Towns/Cities information
- Regions - Oxfordshire
Below is the list of locations in Oxfordshire. The regional and county boundaries around Britain do change so some of the locations may be in a different region to what you expect. To make searching easier, some of the locations are listed under their older county names as this is how most people remember them.
- Abingdon
- Adderbury
- Appleford
- Ashbury
- Bampton
- Banbury
- Benson
- Bicester
- Bloxham
- Botley
- Brightwell Baldwin
- Burford
- Carterton
- Chadlington
- Chalgrove
- Charlbury
- Checkendon
- Chinnor
- Chipping Norton
- Cholsey
- Didcot
- Enstone
- Eynsham
- Faringdon
- Fifield
- Garsington
- Goring
- Harwell
- Henley-on-Thames
- Hook Norton
- Horspath
- Kiddington
- Kidlington
- Kingham
- Kirtlington
- Long Hanborough
- Middle Barton
- Milton
- Oxford
- Shrivenham
- South Stoke
- Stanton Harcourt
- Steeple Aston
- Steventon
- Summertown
- Sydenham
- Thame
- Wallingford
- Wantage
- Watlington
- Weston-on-the-Green
- Wheatley
- Witney
- Woodstock
- Wroxton