- UK Information
- Towns/Cities information
- Regions - Berkshire
Below is the list of locations in Berkshire. The regional and county boundaries around Britain do change so some of the locations may be in a different region to what you expect. To make searching easier, some of the locations are listed under their older county names as this is how most people remember them.
- Aldermaston
- Ascot
- Binfield
- Bracknell
- Bray
- Burchett's Green
- Caversham
- Chieveley
- Colnbrook
- Compton
- Cookham
- Crowthorne
- Datchet
- Finchampstead
- Hungerford
- Hurley
- Lambourn
- Maidenhead
- Newbury
- Oakley Green
- Pangbourne
- Reading
- Sandhurst
- Sindlesham
- Slough
- Speen
- Spencers Wood
- Sulhamstead
- Sunningdale
- Sunninghill
- Swallowfield
- Thatcham
- Theale
- Twyford
- Upper Bucklebury
- Wargrave
- Wickham
- Windsor
- Wokingham
- Woodley
- Wraysbury