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- Nomadland
Following the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, Fern (Frances McDormand) packs her van and sets off on the road exploring a life outside of conventional society as a modern-day nomad. The third feature film from director Chloé Zhao, NOMADLAND features real nomads Linda May, Swankie and Bob Wells as Fern's mentors and comrades in her exploration through the vast landscape of the American West.
108 Minutes
Frances McDormand....Fern
Gay DeForest....Gay
Patricia Grier....Patty
Linda May....Linda
Angela Reyes....Angela
Carl R. Hughes....Carl
Douglas G. Soul....Doug
Ryan Aquino....Ryan
Teresa Buchanan....Teresa
Karie Lynn McDermott Wilder....Karie
Brandy Wilber....Brandy
Makenzie Etcheverry....Makenzie
Bob Wells....Bob
Annette Webb....Annette
Rachel Bannon....Rachel
Gay DeForest....Gay
Patricia Grier....Patty
Linda May....Linda
Angela Reyes....Angela
Carl R. Hughes....Carl
Douglas G. Soul....Doug
Ryan Aquino....Ryan
Teresa Buchanan....Teresa
Karie Lynn McDermott Wilder....Karie
Brandy Wilber....Brandy
Makenzie Etcheverry....Makenzie
Bob Wells....Bob
Annette Webb....Annette
Rachel Bannon....Rachel
suicide references, infrequent moderate bad language
Filmography links and data courtesy of The Internet Movie Database.
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