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Motoring Books

Car maintenance

Here is a selection of some top books about car maintenance that you may find useful.

Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis
Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis

Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis covers the fundamentals of vehicle systems and components and explains the latest diagnostic techniques employed in effective vehicle maintenance and repair. Diagnostics, or fault finding, is an essential part of an automotive technician's work, and as automotive systems become increasingly complex there is a greater need for good diagnostics skills. For students new to the subject, this book will help to develop these skills, but will also assist experienced technicians in further improving their performance and keeping up with recent industry developments. In full colour and including examples of the latest technology, this is the guide that no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without.

Price: £23.99

Publication: 30 Sep 2011

Buy: Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis   Buy: Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis

Auto Repair For Dummies
Auto Repair For Dummies

The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it′s even better. A complete reorganization now puts relevant repair and maintenance information directly after each automotive system overview, making it much easier to find hands-on fix-it instructions. Author Deanna Sclar has updated systems and repair information throughout, eliminating discussions of carburetors and adding coverage of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. She′s also revised schedules for tune-ups and oil changes, included driving tips that can save on maintenance and repair costs, and added new advice on troubleshooting problems and determining when to call in a professional mechanic. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start. Deanna Sclar (Long Beach, CA), an acclaimed auto repair expert and consumer advocate, has contributed to the Los Angeles Times and has been interviewed on the Today show, NBC Nightly News, and other television programs.

Price: £10.34

Publication: 7 Nov 2008

Buy: Auto Repair For Dummies   Buy: Auto Repair For Dummies

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems concentrates on core technologies to provide the essential information required to understand how different vehicle systems work. It gives a complete overview of the components and workings of a vehicle from the engine through to the chassis and electronics. It also explains the necessary tools and equipment needed in effective car maintenance and repair, and relevant safety procedures are included throughout. In full colour and including examples of the latest Formula 1 technology, this is the guide no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without.

Designed to make learning easier, this book contains:

•Photographs, flow charts and quick reference tables
•Detailed diagrams and clear descriptions that simplify the more complicated topics and aid revision
•Useful margin features throughout, including definitions, key facts and 'safety first' considerations.

Price: £21.59

Publication: 23 May 2011

Buy: Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems   Buy: Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems

Car Care Made Easy: The Ultimate Glovebox Companion
Car Care Made Easy: The Ultimate Glovebox Companion

Packed full of advice, hints and tips, Car Care Made Easy is your guide to being better under the bonnet. Inside you'll find invaluable background knowledge, advice on what to buy and easy to follow step by step guides taking you through the simple checks that will keep your car in tip-top condition. Ideal for learners or experienced drivers, Car Care Made Easy is the Ultimate Glovebox Companion. Also see the Car Care for Learners DVD, based on this book.

Price: £6.18

Publication: 1 Feb 2010

Buy: Car Care Made Easy: The Ultimate Glovebox Companion   Buy: Car Care Made Easy: The Ultimate Glovebox Companion

How Cars Work
How Cars Work

Price: £11.07

Publication: April 1999

Buy: How Cars Work   Buy: How Cars Work

How to Make your Car Handle HP46
How to Make your Car Handle HP46

Price: £15.89

Publication: Jan 1987

Buy: How to Make your Car Handle HP46   Buy: How to Make your Car Handle HP46

How to Paint Your Car: Revised & Updated (Motorbooks Workshop)
How to Paint Your Car: Revised & Updated (Motorbooks Workshop)

How to Paint Your Car reveals the techniques, tricks, and technology behind automotive painting through 400 colour photos, clear captions, detailed text, and step-by-step how-to sequences. You'll learn the latest information about paint chemistry, waterborne paints, spray guns, body fillers, surface prep, site prep, as well as respirators and other safety gear that every automotive painter must know.

With precise detail, you'll learn how to properly prepare your car for paint work, including minor bodywork, surface preparation, rust removal, masking, priming and final coating. How to Paint Your Car also includes information about custom touches and effects as well as how to care for your paint after application, including information on buffing compounds, waxes, and other care products. Everything you need to know to feel comfortable and confident in undertaking your own paint project, whether a touch-up job or a complete respray, is covered in How to Paint Your Car.

Price: £17.99

Publication: 15 Jun 2013

Buy: How to Paint Your Car: Revised & Updated (Motorbooks Workshop)   Buy: How to Paint Your Car: Revised & Updated (Motorbooks Workshop)

How to Repair Your Car (Motorbooks Workshop) (Motorbooks Workshop)
How to Repair Your Car (Motorbooks Workshop) (Motorbooks Workshop)

Auto expert paul brand offers consumers all the basics and blends his repair advice into a visual format to provide novices with the easiest tips in How to Reapair Your Car. it dosn't get much more basic that this: fifty step-by-step projects can be done with a few simple tools, yet can save thousands. from helpfull troubleshooting charts and maintenance routines to colour photos nd diagrams, this "real world" guide is a pick not just for car owners but for general-interest libraries --Midwest Book review

I think this book is pretty good for the 'mechanic wannabe' who's just getting started (like me). All the 50 projects are implemented with photos which is pretty neat. At the end of each chapter, there is a troubleshooting chart listing common problems associated with the specific components that are discussed in the chapter. Now, after reading this book, I think some projects could have been a little more detailed, and some other a little less: The project on 'how to fill coolant' takes two pages front and back, but the one on 'how to change thermostat' only takes one... Also, some projects explain how to replace such and such part, but it doesn't explain why you would want to replace these parts if your car breaks down: * "how to replace distributor cap and rotor"; sounds great, but how do I know that these are the parts I need to replace if my car breaks down? It doesn't say anything about that in the electrical troubleshooting chart in this chapter. * "How to replace the starter"; sounds great too, but where do I find it? there's no diagram in this book that shows you where to look under the hood, beside a picture of a car, at the beginning of the chapter, with a front mounted engine (my car, like most front wheel drive nowdays, has an engine mounted sideway); and the car used as an example in this project is different than mine. Anyway, the point is, a little more details would have been nice. However, it is a decent book and it gave me a better comprehension of how things work under the hood. It also gave me more confidence to work on my car. My advice is: buy this book to familiarize yourself with cars, and learn very basic car maintenance stuff such as changing your oil, checking your fluids, tires etc. For bigger projects like 'how to replace a water pump' (project 29), this is probably not the book you need. --California Bookwatch.

Price: £12.99

Publication: 1 Oct 2006

Buy: How to Repair Your Car (Motorbooks Workshop) (Motorbooks Workshop)   Buy: How to Repair Your Car (Motorbooks Workshop) (Motorbooks Workshop)

The price of books, where indicated, was correct at the time of creating this page. Price of books may have changed on the bookseller's web site.