UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

  1. UK Information
  2. UK Directory
  3. Shopping
  4. Charity Shops

UK Directory: Shopping

Charity Shops

Dorset Scrapstore
Dorset Scrapstore is an arts and crafts non-profit charity, offering recycled materials which would have gone into landfill, to local communities.

Headway - The Brain Injury Association
Volunteers needed in Headway's Charity Shop in Long Eaton. Gain retail experience whilst meeting new people and working in a great team.

Righy Buy
Shop on RightBuy and help raise funds for charities, schools and good causes. Shop for over 3 million products from 600 retailers and receive a cash donation for each purchase made

The Children's Society
Modern Charity Shop raising money for disadvantaged children and young people

The Hospice of the Good Shepherd
The web site of Hospice of the Good Shepherd