UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

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  2. UK Directory
  3. Jobs
  4. Vocational Training:IT/Computing Training

UK Directory: Jobs

Vocational Training:IT/Computing Training

Bigrockdesigns is a computer training, web design and graphic design company based in Omagh and Belfast. We deliver training on site or at your place of business. We deliver training throughout Ireland. Our most common packages include: Dreamweaver, Photo

Freshwinds IT
Freshwinds Information Technology was born from the charity Freshwinds. Over the years our team has developed and delivered many innovative technology solutions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the charity.

KJ-H Presentations-Professional Powerpoint Slideshows for business and Education
Professional Powerpoint Presentations designed for business and education. Flash animation if required.Member of the Digital Academy and College of Graphic Design. Free advice and guidance