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- Southwold Theatres
Southwold Theatres
Here is a list of theatres in Southwold. If you can't find the show you want at a theatre in Southwold, or would like to go to a theatre outside Southwold you can use the UK theatres by city option to find shows showing at theatres in cities, towns or villages near Southwold.
To view theatre listings click on the name of the theatre. To find out details about a theatre click on the information icon in front of the theatre name.
Southwold Theatre - No events listed
The Southwold theatres listed on this page are for your information. UK theatres does not endorse any particular theatres in Southwold and is not responsible for the listings and times of shows in the theatres listed. Ticket bookings can be made directly through our booking agents for some theatres and shows. Some theatres prefer to handle their own ticket bookings and do not allow us to provide a ticket booking facility on this site for their shows. UK theatres will not mediate or get involved in any disputes or problems regarding the show times or the performance at any of the Southwold theatres listed on this page.