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Inverness Hotels

Here is a list of hotels in Inverness. If you can't find a suitable hotel in Inverness, or would like to book a hotel outside Inverness you can use the Local UK hotels option to find hotels in cities, towns or villages near Inverness.

Smithton Hotel

Smithton Hotel
This hotel is situated approximately 3.5 miles from Inverness town centre, 5 miles (8 km) from Inverness Airport and only 1.5 miles (2 km) from historic Culloden Battlefield.

Smithton Road, Smithton

Booking / Availability
£ 55
Sunny Brae Hotel

Sunny Brae Hotel
Overlooking the Moray Firth with its pod of dolphins, the 4-star Sunny Brae Hotel offers luxurious rooms and stunning views. It boasts a Scottish restaurant and direct beach access. Rooms at Sunny Brae feature large beds, LCD TVs and free Wi-Fi.

Marine Road, Nairn
IV12 4EA

Booking / Availability
£ 70

The Inverness hotels listed on this page are for your information. UK hotels does not endorse any particular hotels in Inverness and is not responsible for the booking and reservations of rooms in the hotels listed. UK hotels will not mediate or get involved in any disputes or problems regarding rooms or services at any of the Inverness hotels listed on this page.