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  4. Summer Flowers

Summer Flowers

This season is a wonderful time for summer flowers. They are in abundance everywhere so it's a good time to brighten your house with the colours and scents of summer flowers.

A florist can advise you on this season's flowers. Buying summer bouquets in season means the flowers are often fresher and the price is often cheaper. Remember a bunch of flowers with a card is an ideal gift on special occasions or holidays, rainy days or just to show someone you care.

Image of Summer Flowers

Fed up of working inside whilst Summer is outside? Why not brighten your workplace with a nice summer flower arrangement? Studies have shown that flowers help trigger positive emotions like satisfaction and can really improve someones mood. People with flowers in the workplace have more good days as the environment is more pleasant. Therefore, the workplace will be happier place with the addition of flowers and floral displays.

When selecting flowers think colours, fragrance and visual appeal. It is also important to think of the longevity of the flowers - selecting flowers that have just bloomed or are just about to bloom will give your display a longer life. A few well positioned flowers can often look more striking than a large display. For example, a single rose in a nice vase can be more effective than a display containing many varieties and colours.

You could add greenery and flowers from your own garden to enhance your Summer display. Also flowers that have not lasted as long as others can be replaced by your own garden products. This will give your display a real British Summer look.

UK summer flowers and plants include: Alchemilla (Ladys Mantle), Aster, Gladioli, Marigold, Azalea, Hollyhock, Orchid, Carnation, Heather, Peony (only June), Cornflower, Iris, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Jasmine, Rhododendron, Delphinium, Larkspur, Stock, Daisy, Lilac, Sweetpea, Freesia, Lily of the valley, Sweet William, Fuchsia, Lupin, Tiger Lily, Gardenia, Gladioli, Stock, Gerberia, Delistar.

In Summertime try to avoid putting your display bouquets in direct sunlight. This will cause the flowers to wilt and they will lose their colour. Remember to change the water daily and add any flower food available from any florist.

Selecting the correct vase or container for your display is also important. This should be chosen to bring the best out of your floral displays and can be decorated with ribbons, lace etc. itself.

Summer is an ideal season to do this as the variety of shapes and colours is almost endless. Summer is a good time for giving. Follow the link to see a Selection of SummerFlowers.