UK Ferries and Ferry Ports

UK Ferries and Ferry Ports

Ferries and Ferry Ports around Britain

  1. UK Information
  2. UK Ferries & Ferry Crossings
  3. UK Ferry Companies
  4. ferry companies in Ayrshire

Ayrshire Ferries

Here is a list of ferry companies in Ayrshire.

Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd
Ferry Terminal, Largs
KA30 8BG
T 01475 674134

Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd
Ferry Terminal/The Harbour, Ardrossan
KA22 8ED
T 01294 463470

Kintyre Express
11 Highet Gdns, Irvine
KA12 8RQ
T 01294 270160

P & O Irish Sea Ltd
Arran House/100 Port Ranald Dr, Troon
KA10 6HH
T 0871-664 4777

The list of ferry companies in Ayrshire is for your information only. Before you start your ferry journey, ensure that you have checked your requirements with the operater.