Wootton Bassett Information Online

Wootton Bassett Information Online

Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, UK

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  4. Cirencester Antiques & Collectables Market

Wootton Bassett Events

2105781Cirencester Antiques & Collectables Market
DateFriday 8th August 2014- Ongoing
   Every Friday
DescriptionThere has been a weekly Antiques & Collectors’ Market in Cirencester’s Corn Hall every Friday for more than 40 years. Upwards of 40 dealers offering quality antiques and collectables, including silver, glass, ceramics, metalwares, postcards, ephemera, jewellery, furniture, paintings and prints. Entry is free, and there is excellent town-centre parking. Visit the website: www.cirencester-antiques.co.uk for further information.
LocationThe Corn Hall
PriceFree entry
AddressMarket Place,
Post codeGL7 2NW
Telephone No.01264 393225
Web linksRelated link

Venue details

Corn Hall, The
AddressThe Corn Hall
Market Place
Telephone No.+441285655646
informationVenue details
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Events around Cirencester

Ongoing means an event did not have a fixed closing date, when details of the event were entered on this site. If you are in doubt about whether an event is still running, please check the online booking, where available, or contact the venue's box office.

UK Antiques and Collectors Fairs