Leatherhead Information Online

Leatherhead Information Online

Leatherhead, Surrey, UK

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  4. Joe Stilgoe on Sunday

Leatherhead Events

5265332Joe Stilgoe on Sunday
DateSunday 22nd February 2015- Ongoing
DescriptionEach month the very talented singer, pianist, composer and entertainer Joe Stilgoe will be picking a favourite composer/ lyricist and mixing their songs with his own. With special guests.
LocationBrasserie Zedel - Crazy Coqs Cabaret

Venue details

Brasserie Zedel - Crazy Coqs Cabaret
20 Sherwood Street
Inner London

W1 7ED
Telephone No.020 7734 4888
informationVenue details
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Ongoing means an event did not have a fixed closing date, when details of the event were entered on this site. If you are in doubt about whether an event is still running, please check the online booking, where available, or contact the venue's box office.

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