Esher Information Online

Esher Information Online

Esher, Surrey, UK

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  4. Lights! Camera! Improvise!

Esher Events

4142034Lights! Camera! Improvise!
DateSaturday 24th September 2011- Ongoing
DescriptionImprovised great fun. The improvised movie live on stage. Oscar has every movie ever made... every film you could ever imagine. The audience choose what the film is about, where its set and what its called and Oscar finds the DVD. The movie is created before your very eyes complete with awesome action sequences, captivating plot and a thrilling live film score. Oscar pauses and rewinds the best bits and cuts to hilarious DVD extras.
LocationCanal Cafe Theatre

Venue details

Canal Cafe Theatre
AddressThe Bridge House pub
Delamere Terrace
W2 6ND
Telephone No.020 7289 6054
020 7289 6056
Disabled facilitiesThis venue has no disabled access.
Opening timesMon-Sat 12:00-23:00
Sun 12:00-22:30
informationVenue details
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Ongoing means an event did not have a fixed closing date, when details of the event were entered on this site. If you are in doubt about whether an event is still running, please check the online booking, where available, or contact the venue's box office.

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