Esher Information Online

Esher Information Online

Esher, Surrey, UK

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  4. Through the Stage Door

Esher Events

4059927Through the Stage Door
DateThursday 1st January 2009- Ongoing
DescriptionIn the UK's first interactive backstage theatre tour, professional actors present such figures from the theatre's past as Richard Sheridan, Grimaldi and Nell Gwynne. Runs 1 hour.
Time(s)14:15 and 16:45, Fri 12:30 and 14:15, Wed/Sat 11:00 and 13:00
LocationTheatre Royal, Drury Lane

Venue details

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
AddressDrury Lane
Telephone No.020 7557 7300
Disabled facilitiesInfra-red sound system.
Occasional signed performances.
Guide dogs not allowed in auditorium. Staff will dog sit.
ParkingSingle yellow lines in Catherine Street and Russell Street. NCP in Drury Lane.
informationVenue details
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