Clutton Information Online

Clutton Information Online

Clutton, Avon, UK

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  4. Closer Each Day The Improvised Soap Opera

Clutton Events

5251034Closer Each Day The Improvised Soap Opera
DateTuesday 21st January 2014- Ongoing
DescriptionJoin your favourite characters for Season 7 of this unique and popular soap opera created on-the-spot by an array of Bristol performers. Nothing is rehearsed, premeditated or predetermined. Full of romance, tragedy, fantasy, comedy and enough plot twists to melt your face, Closer Each Day is a unique theatrical experience.
LocationWardrobe Theatre

Venue details

Wardrobe Theatre & The Old Market Assembly
AddressThe Old Market Assembly
25 West Street
Old Market

Telephone No.Box Office: 0117 902 0344
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Ongoing means an event did not have a fixed closing date, when details of the event were entered on this site. If you are in doubt about whether an event is still running, please check the online booking, where available, or contact the venue's box office.

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