uk cinemas listings

Ambleside cinemas

Cinema listings with film information and movie reviews

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Ambleside cinemas

Here is a list of cinemas around Ambleside. If you can't find the film you want at one of the cinema listed, you can use the search option, above, to find films showing at cinemas in cities, towns or villages near Ambleside.

A Complete Unknown
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
Bring Them Down
September 5
The Brutalist

Royalty Cinema
No films listed at the moment.

Brewery Arts Centre Cinema
No films listed at the moment.

Alhambra Cinema - Keswick
A Complete Unknown
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
Bring Them Down
Gladiator II
How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

Rheged Centre- The Village in the Hill

Heron Theatre, The
No films listed at the moment.

Roxy Cinema, The
Io Capitano
The Brutalist

Lonsdale Alhambra Cinema - Penrith
A Complete Unknown
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
Dog Man
Hard Truths
The Girl with the Needle

The Ambleside cinemas listed on this page are for your reference. To view movie times, click on the name of the cinema. To find out details about a cinema click on the information icon in front of the cinema name.