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Swiping absent-mindedly on a mobile device could be a death sentence in a grisly horror thriller, directed by Justin Dec. The Countdown app claims to tell the user exactly how long they have to live once it is installed on a mobile phone. Nurse Quinn (Elizabeth Lail) decides to try out the app, like many of her colleagues at the hospital, and she is horrified to see that her life expectancy is just two days, 22 hours, 37 minutes and 13 seconds. At first, Quinn dismisses the app but then she hears rumours about users who have apparently died at the exact second predicted by Countdown. As the app ticks down to her own demise, Quinn is stalked by a gnarled and shadowy figure. She races against the clock to unravel the mystery of the app before she is forcibly separated from the people she loves including her sister Jordan (Talitha Eliana Bateman).