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Batman Returns

To mark the 80th anniversary of the creation of Batman, 4K restorations of films featuring the caped Crusader return to selected cinemas for one day only. Michael Keaton returns as Batman with Danny DeVito as Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Tim Burton's sequel. Burton gauged the tone best here, bringing a more playful spirit to the acrid gothic vision of the first film without losing the plot entirely like successor Joel Schumacher. What vestiges of story he retains concern the twisted Penguin who is intent on becoming mayor of Gotham. The shrink-wrapped Catwoman seems happy to help him deal with Keaton's cod-pieced Crusader, but typically feline, she also pursues her own agenda. Burton does likewise, translating darker hints of sado-masochism into palatable chunks of cartoon characterisation.