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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Oscar-winning siblings Joel and Ethan Coen co-direct and co-write a humorous and touching western anthology, which is stylised as short stories within a handsomely bound collection. In the title story, gunslinger Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson) sings beautifully as he casually pulls the trigger on opponents while in Near Algodones, a thieving cowboy (James Franco) puts his neck on the line to outwit a bank teller (Stephen Root). Next in Meal Ticket, a traveller (Liam Neeson) and his performing compatriot (Harry Melling) hope to impress frontier towns with their oration, and in All Gold Canyon, an old time prospector (Tom Waits) seeks a glittering prize beneath the earth. The penultimate story, The Gal Who Got Rattled, focuses on a young woman (Zoe Kazan), who is hoping to find a brighter future over the prairie horizon. Finally, in The Mortal Remains, one passenger of a stagecoach (Tyne Daly) is deeply unimpressed with the menfolk sharing her carriage but the last laugh will belong to them.