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The Heiresses (Las herederas)

Chela (Ana Brun) and her life partner Chiquita (Margarita Irun) enjoy a privileged life as part of Paraguay's elite and they are both reluctant to abandon the trappings of their existence. Unfortunately, the paintings, crystal ware and fine furnishings are the product of huge debts run up by Chiquita, who is facing a long spell behind bars while Chela sells off their possessions. The money will pay for a new maid, Pati (Nilda Gonzalez) - a perk which Chela refuses to go without. Embarrassed by her sudden drop in social status, Chela agrees to drive elderly neighbour Pituca (Maria Martins) to her daily game of bridge. At first, Chela refuses payment but needs must and she begrudgingly accepts the unofficial position of Pituca's chauffeur. It's a thankless, unedifying role until Chela meets Angy (Ana Ivanova) and falls under the intoxicating spell of the younger woman.