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Pin Cushion

Writer-director Deborah Haywood's feature debut is a tender portrait of a mother-daughter bond under intense strain, which made a splash at the 2017 Venice Film Festival. Lynn (Joanna Scanlan) and her daughter Iona (Lily Newmark) have always enjoyed a close relationship of mutual trust and respect. They relocate to a new town where Iona becomes a victim of bullying at the hands of the school's vicious queen bee, Keely (Sacha Cordy-Nice). Lynn suffers similar abuse from neighbours and the town's residents. In order to cope with the barrage of barbs and intimidation, Lynn and Iona spin an elaborate web of lies and retreat into fantasy worlds, which further isolates them from the local community. Unexpectedly, Iona enjoys the first flushes of attraction to a lad called Daz (Loris Scarpa) but her mother's controlling influence threatens to crush the delicate first blooms of teenage romance.