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First Reformed

Ethan Hawke delivers an uncompromising lead performance in Paul Schrader's divisive drama, which tests the faith of a man of the church until he finally cracks, with devastating consequences. Ernst Toller (Hawke) is a former chaplain in the military, who silently wrestles with the guilt of persuading his only son to serve in Iraq. The young man was killed in the line of duty and every day Ernst bears the burden of grief while tending to his flock at a close-knit Dutch Reformed church in New York. One of the congregation, Mary (Amanda Seyfried), approaches Ernst for guidance. She is pregnant with her first child but her environmentalist husband Michael (Philip Ettinger) doesn't want the baby. Michael believes the Earth is doomed and he doesn't want to be responsible for rearing a child on a dying planet. Ernst agrees to speak to Michael and inspire the husband to keep his faith. The reverend's intervention has unexpected repercussions that compel Ernst to question his devotion to The Bible. His internal conflict coincides with the church's 250th anniversary reconsecration ceremony, which is being financed - controversially - by oil company chief executive Ed Balq (Michael Gaston).