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Green Zone

Green Zone is a story we've already heard, shot in a manner we've already seen, and starring Matt Damon in a role he's already played. Remember those WMDs that were never found in Iraq and later exposed to be the invention of a dubious and poorly-vetted informant? Remember the misguided and hideously botched attempt at establishing democracy after the fall of Saddam and the violent, prolonged insurgency that ensued? If you've been away from the television for the past hour and somehow managed to forget any of these details, Green Zone is here to remind you.

Damon plays Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller, an Army weapons inspector whose frustration over repeatedly coming up empty in his search for Iraqi WMDs leads him on a quest to track down and expose the people responsible for leading him (and us) down that infamously bogus path. Though his hand-to-hand skills are a notch below Jason Bourne's, Miller's single-mindedness, moral certainty, and permanent expression of square-jawed defiance — always threatening another "How do you like them apples?" rebuke — in the face of an insidious, multi-level government conspiracy are essentially equivalent to those of Damon's Bourne trilogy soulmate.

And, like Bourne, his most dangerous adversary isn't found on the battlefront, but rather within the government he once served so proudly. As Miller delves ever deeper into the Case of the Faulty WMD Intelligence, Clark Poundstone, (Greg Kinnear) the duplicitous, arrogant Defense Department bureaucrat in charge of U.S. operations in Iraq, summarily relieves him of his post. (Hint: the better dressed a Green Zone character is, the more sinister his ambitions.) But Miller remains undeterred, and he goes rogue to locate the CIA informant "Magellan," a formerly high-ranking Iraqi official whose supposed confirmation of Saddam's nuclear ambitions served as the basis for U.S. invasion.

We know how the story ends. Green Zone's pervasive, overarching sense of deja vu is accentuated by director — and veteran Bourne helmer — Paul Greengrass, who employs the trademark hand-held, super-shakycam style which was so fresh and inventive in 2004 but now feels stale and predictable. (Admittedly, my aversion to Greengrass' approach was no doubt heightened by a previous night's viewing of Roman Polanski's excellent The Ghost Writer, a political thriller as subtle and precise and finely tuned as Green Zone is ham-fisted and haphazard — and which also uses the phantom WMD controversy to far greater narrative effect.)

Green Zone culminates in essentially a violent footrace between Miller and the Army Special Forces as they scour a heavily-armed insurgent stronghold to find Magellan, with Miller hoping to secure his potentially damning testimony before the Army can silence him for good. The climactic sequence, for all I could tell, was either shot in Damon's backyard, culled from Bourne trilogy deleted scenes or assembled from scattered YouTube clips. This punishingly chaotic, often incoherent, and ultimately exhausting approach to storytelling isn't cinema verite; it's dementia pugilistica. rated this film 1/2 star.