A reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White, a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother, who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom.
100 Minutes
Julianne Moore....Margaret White
Chloë Grace Moretz....Carrie White
Gabriella Wilde....Sue Snell
Portia Doubleday....Chris Hargensen
Alex Russell....Billy Nolan
Zoë Belkin....Tina
Ansel Elgort....Tommy Ross
Samantha Weinstein....Heather
Karissa Strain....Nicki
Judy Greer....Ms. Desjardin
Katie Strain....Lizzy
Barry Shabaka Henley....Principal Morton
Demetrius Joyette....George
Arlene Mazerolle....Miss Helen Finch
Evan Gilchrist....Greg Delois
Chloë Grace Moretz....Carrie White
Gabriella Wilde....Sue Snell
Portia Doubleday....Chris Hargensen
Alex Russell....Billy Nolan
Zoë Belkin....Tina
Ansel Elgort....Tommy Ross
Samantha Weinstein....Heather
Karissa Strain....Nicki
Judy Greer....Ms. Desjardin
Katie Strain....Lizzy
Barry Shabaka Henley....Principal Morton
Demetrius Joyette....George
Arlene Mazerolle....Miss Helen Finch
Evan Gilchrist....Greg Delois
Contains strong bloody horror, gore and strong language
Drama, Horror
Filmography links and data courtesy of The Internet Movie Database.
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