A loan shark is forced to reconsider his violent lifestyle after the arrival of a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother.
104 Minutes
Min-soo Jo....Mi-Son
Jeong-jin Lee....Gang-Do
Ki-Hong Woo....Hoon-chul
Eunjin Kang....Myeong-ja (Hoon-Chul's wife)
Jae-ryong Cho....Tae-seung
Myeong-ja Lee....Mother of Suicidal Man
Jun-seok Heo....Suicidal Man
Se-in Kwon....Machinist with the Guitar
Mun-su Song....Borrower Who Climbs the Steps
Beom-jun Kim....Myeongdong Man
Jong-hak Son....Boss
Jin Yong-Ok....Shop Owner in Wheelchair
rest of cast listed alphabetically
Jae-rok Kim....Monk
Won-jang Lee....Sang-gu
Jeong-jin Lee....Gang-Do
Ki-Hong Woo....Hoon-chul
Eunjin Kang....Myeong-ja (Hoon-Chul's wife)
Jae-ryong Cho....Tae-seung
Myeong-ja Lee....Mother of Suicidal Man
Jun-seok Heo....Suicidal Man
Se-in Kwon....Machinist with the Guitar
Mun-su Song....Borrower Who Climbs the Steps
Beom-jun Kim....Myeongdong Man
Jong-hak Son....Boss
Jin Yong-Ok....Shop Owner in Wheelchair
rest of cast listed alphabetically
Jae-rok Kim....Monk
Won-jang Lee....Sang-gu
Contains strong threat and a scene of incestuous sexual violence
Filmography links and data courtesy of The Internet Movie Database.
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