UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

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  4. Florists

UK Directory: Shopping


Occasions Florist
Bespoke florist catering for all your special occasions.

Flowers for weddings, funerals, functions, gift bouquets......

Oopsy Daisy Flowers
Wedding Flowers, Funeral Tributes, Bouquets, All general floral designs

Opal Passions
florist, florists, mothers day flowers, flowers uk, flower delivery, send flowers, flowers online, flower gift shop,wedding flowers, flowers bucks,funeral flowers, Florists, Balloons,Floral Arrangements,Flowers, Wreaths

Opal Passions
Family run business offering outstanding Balloon & Floral displays for weddings, hen nights, Children’s Parties etc.

Open all Flowers
Shrewsbury's Premier Florist offering flowers for every occasion.