Llangefni Information

Llangefni Information

Information from around Llangefni

Entertainments Search:

  1. UK Information
  2. Llangefni Information
  3. Helping YOU into work
Helping YOU into work
Did you know that there is a resource in Llangefni that can help you with your search for a job? If you are unemployed or claiming benefits you can ask your Job Centre Advisor to refer you to Hybu Gwaith in Church Street, Llangefni.

Run by Scout Enterprises (Western) Ltd, a national charity, the service gives you practical support and guidance in all aspects of looking for work including building a CV, computer and internet access, stationery and much more.

If you want to know more about what Scout can do for you visit www.scout-enterprises.co.uk or Call Mark on 01248 750735 or email llangefni@scout-enterprises.co.uk

WHatever you do, good luck in your jobhunting!

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Submitted on: 15th August 2006