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Woody Harrelson delivers a colourful performance as a neurotic, middle-aged loner in director Craig Johnson's offbeat comedy drama, adapted by Daniel Clowes from his graphic novel of the same title. Wilson (Harrelson) is a malcontent, who is oblivious to the irritation he causes friends and neighbours by gate-crashing their simple, humdrum lives. For 17 years, Wilson has been estranged from his ex-wife Pippi (Laura Dern), a former addict who is now clean and relatively settled. An awkward reunion reveals that Pippi didn't have an abortion all those years ago: she gave birth to their child and handed over the baby girl for adoption. Delighted by the prospect of becoming a father, Wilson encourages Pippi to help him track down their daughter and they introduce themselves to truculent teenager Claire (Isabella Amara), who has inherited some of her father's less desirable traits. As Wilson connects awkwardly with the fruit of his loins, he gains a new found perspective on life.