uk cinemas listings

UK Cinemas

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Arriving in UK cinemas two months before Florence Foster Jenkins, starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant, writer-director Xavier Giannoli's award-winning drama draws inspiration from the same true story of a wealthy woman who harboured charming delusions of being a talented opera singer. Marguerite Dumont (Catherine Frot) is a socialite of considerable financial clout, who is blissfully unaware of her lack of talent when it comes to singing. Her husband Georges (Andre Marcon) tolerates her because he can benefit from her vast fortune, while her dutiful chauffeur Madelbos (Denis Mpunga) attempts to shield Marguerite from those who would hurt her with the harsh truth. Aided by respected vocal coach Atos Pezzini (Michel Fau), Marguerite prepares to sing at one of the biggest concert halls in Paris. She is unwittingly setting herself up for spectacular fall, but Marguerite's unswerving self-belief inoculates her from the sniggering cynicism that swirls around her.