UK Directory

UK Directory

Directory of sites from around the United Kingdom

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  2. UK Directory
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  4. Alternative Medicine/Therapists:Holistic Treatment

UK Directory: Services

Alternative Medicine/Therapists:Holistic Treatment

Information about therapies to overcome emotional problems such as: phobias, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, grief and also offering quit smoking programmes

Simply Wholistic
Reiki Master, Lifestyle Consultant. Intuitive Coach / Healer. Alternative Therapy / Holistic Treatments. Thai Massage. Reiki Courses / Healing

Soul 2 Soul Therapy
Soul 2 Soul Therapy provides holistic therapeutic intervention for both people and animals. Using gentle and non-invasive techniques the practitioner works around the body to identify blocked or trapped energy.

A leading Angel & Spiritual Organisation which provides Angel Workshops,courses,healings and guidance readings. It also provides other spiritual and angelic services.

Sports Therapy Clinic
Sports massage, seated chair massage and the Bowen Technique for individuals and corporate clients in the West Midlands.